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Not a single woman in the Alabama state Senate voted for the uber repressive abortion law. The entire vote was unanimously male. It's reprehensible that they are playing politics with a women's body.

These are the same like minded male politicians that argued for slaves as not truly human , and therefore liable for being considered property. Alabama learned nothing in their time back in the Union. Still living in the 19th Century.

t1nick 8 May 15

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Sorry, but I don't understand the logic in the argument

  1. Are there no women at all in the state senate?
  2. Is the law about abortions in taxis - not sure why a woman would opt for this, but would be a convenient 'home' service - I can see why some would wish to repress it
  3. The image of the senators playing with a womans body - is she dead? is this necrophilia? A wierd alabama game
  4. Do we have a very aged male population in alabama, or is it a boon only given to senators?
  5. .........
    sorry again, lost it in the end

personal opinion - any woman should be able to access safe abortion services
but - any state or country has the right to pas its own laws
it is not right to impose your views on others - that is the basis of tyrany
you do have the right to move to alabama and work to democratically change the law there

Intetesting appeasement. It is true one cannot dictate what another state may or not do. Doesn't mean we are not able to criticize what we see as immoral or inappropriate at the very least.

To your point. Yes there are females in the state. The point was that inside the Alabama Senate, only the males were the one to vote in the affirmative for this law. The female Senators refused to back it and voted against it. Yes to another respondent, Kay Ives the is the female govenor, and she signed the bill into law.

To another respondent, many of the males who backed the the new bill and claim to be opposed to abortions are not doing it out of compassion. Like rape which is not a crime about sex, instead its a crime about power. The power of a male to dominate and demean a women. Like rape, many of these males support it because they wantt to maintain the control over women. Why do I say this? Most if not all these men are Southern Baptists oe Evangelicals. Part of the practiced (practiced) tenets of these two religions involves keeping women supplicant to men. The ol' " barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" syndrome. The so called"traditional family" structure.

The primary purpose behind this bill, the heartbeat bills in Georgia and Ohio, and the upcoming law in Missouri are about getting one of these bills to the Supreme Court. Given the new structure of the Supreme Court with five ultra-conservative judges, they feel that they are positioned to challenge and overthrow Roe v. Wade. They feel the timing is right. In the meantime, women in these states must suffer by being denied Planned Parenthood prenatal and natal services. Being denied birth control, and being denied the ability to control their own bodies. I don't see bills aimed at mens ED! That is how they are playing politics with womens bodies.

Alabama is generally the 48th or 49th out of 50 states in most categories. They are in fact a bunch of old, or middle old white men. They are blindly Christian fundamentalist and reason accordingly. Before someone claims that I am saying there are no intelligent, not so old persons in the state, I am sure there are. But they don't hold the reigns of power.


Southern old boys network alive and kicking explains much about politics could also call it Republican old boys network

bobwjr Level 10 May 16, 2019

Everyone is jumping down the throats of men and Southern politics on this one...several articles are now surfacing that many millennials of both sexes, Democrat and Republicans, also factored into this decision...

While I still agree that women need to have control over their reproductive decisions, I think some understanding as to why younger people are choosing pro-life needs to be has evolved to show more details in imagery of the conceived fetus and these photos presented to prospective mothers and fathers has changed how they feel about it...

I am not supporting the decision or the law...I just know that I personally have changed my mind about abortion for any reason at any should remain a personal choice...


Kay Ivey, the govenor and a woman signed the bill with gusto!


They are pandering to the Christians because they want their votes.

I concur. The entire red state collective are passing these repressive anti-abortion laws in a hope of getting one all the way the Supreme Court. Given the newly conservative Supreme Court judges, they are hoping to make an all out assault on Roe v Wade.

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