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A good legal solution to the problem

(except they come in first and get status next, the people around the world have to stand in lines at embassies and consulates and wait months for decisions)

St-Sinner 9 May 16

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The same problem exists all across europe too. I personally support an australian type system of choosing to allow immigration by those who will be of direct benefit to the country.
Should a legal immigrabt be shown to be involved in illegal activity, abusing the hospitality of their host, they should be immediately deported.
Any illegal immigrant and their family should be immediately deported...they have no invitation to visit and should not be allowed to stay.


Except that DACA kids had no knowledge of illegal or legal immigration since it was their parents who came in...I think we have to look at them as a separate issue.

Yes, I am for legal immigration...but not for punishing kids that had no choice and still remain in limbo...get them legal at a reasonable cost and time period and then keep it from continuing...

I was waiting overseas in the American consulate line after 2 graduate degrees, 3 professional certifications, scholarships in hand from 3 universities and all the financial support they needed and my visa application was still rejected 2 times. I had given up job to start focusing totally on coming to the U.S. to pursue education. My widow mother had pledged her only home, her lifetime of savings to show support for me. It seemed like nothing was enough at the time.

After marriage, my wife had to wait for 3.5 years in line, submit tons of documents although I was a U.S. citizen. This pain and frustration was all for standing in line legally and following all the rules.

We followed the law, followed every single rule, gave honest answers. My family told me since childhood that pursuing higher education was not a child's play. We were told that only academic achievers with high grades can go overseas. My gold medalist brother won a national scholarship to pursue a Ph.D in the U.S, my gold medalist sister won a national scholarship to pursue Ph.D. in Russia.

I did not have health insurance during my entire period of college and never relied upon on public assistance (emergency room etc.). I talk among educated immigrant community all the time and have never heard anyone using emergency room, food stamps, CHIP and any government programs for free. I have not come across one.

Upon arrival in the U.S., I found it wasn't anything like I was led to believe. People came in illegally. Most immigrants in Queens NY were not educated, many were living for a generation without speaking much English. Here in Texas, I talked to people who just crossed the border - a river or a hill.

How was a I supposed to feel? I was disappointed.

Many people do not know but a large number of immigrants and voters like Trump's bold actions on immigration. It was considered a sacred cow, a large voter base and previous presidents after Reagan did not act much on immigration. The can was kicked down. Qualified and educated communities overseas are excited.

How about the children in Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Bangladesh and many countries around the world? Why not airlift them? If we are the true guardians of humanity and compassion, let us show to the world the kindness and compassion we stand for and we feel. If we allow DACA class kids to get absorbed 'with the entire family" they come with, why not just keep the borders open? Why do we want to do better like the other advanced societies in the world like Canada, Australia, England, France who allow over 50% of immigration based on points system. In the U.S., that percentage is barely 12%.

This is exactly why we democrats continue to lose on issues. We grabbed the health care issue from the republicans, we did well there but we have lost religion, nationalism, defense, family values issues to them. Now it is immigration. They are doing something that will gain approval from independents and moderates. For decades, democrats pandered to the immigrant voter base thinking a large Hispanic, Indian and Asian voters will vote democratic. This is totally untrue. The majority immigrants from around the world are not happy with illegal immigration at the Southern border. Even the majority Americans are for reducing illegal and increasing legal immigration.

@St-Sinner We have to make it less costly and cumbersome as well as shorten the application process...I still don't think we should punish the kids brought is out of their control...we can't go backwards in order to go forwards...other than that, I am all for legal immigration reform.

@thinktwice We disagree on one issue. I think ALL illegal immigrants must be sent back. This includes kids going back with their families. We all pay and reap benefits of the actions of our parents. That is called upbringing and launching children into this world. Parents must think of the consequences the children will bear. How many exceptions should be make for law breaking? If we should, why not granting pardon to juvenile criminals? Because it is really not their fault for their parents not raising them properly. If we want make exceptions, let us extend them to all categories.

@St-Sinner It is like sending them back into a culture that they are not familiar with...they grew up here and know our stories, our culture, our songs, etc. They have contributed to our society through work, ideas, etc. Being in this country illegally through no fault of their own is just like saying if your parent commits murder, you are also does that make sense? We make a lot of exceptions to the law...people go a few miles over the speed limit, take the sweetners off the restaurant table, let their kids sip a bit of wine at dinner, etc. etc.

@thinktwice If that is the case why stop taking them into the future? Because asylum takes a few years, kids grow fast. Even after 3 to 4 years of processing time (that is the average time), kids will get used the U.S. environment. So why uproot them? This will be a continuous vicious cycle. There will be an outcry that time as well.

Please allow illegal immigrants from all countries. They all want to work, pay taxes and contribute to the economy and society. There can be more smart legislators like Ilhan Omar. Let us open all border and have the world come over and contribute here. Why just the DACA type?

@St-Sinner I think we are talking about two different groups...I am not talking about the newly arrived...yes, they should go back...I am talking about the the ones who have applied for Dreamer criminal record, a job, etc. I think that door has been closed perhaps we do agree?

@thinktwice If you allow one batch and not allow similar kids in the future, it is totally unkind and discriminatory. Reagan had allowed 6 million immigrants to be legalized but this never stops. The line keeps building at the border and new issues build up. We need to solve the root problem - which is it is possible to cross borders illegally and get asylum.

I am almost sure that Trump is going to score big on the immigration issues. We progressives will complain but a large community of rural America (the silent majority) including moderates and independents (certainly ALL conservatives) agree on Trump on immigration. That is what wins elections. Healthcare is a strong winning issue for democrats but other than Bernie (who cannot be elected), not many are talking much. Most are just bitching about Trump.

It is anger and hate but not much strategizing beating Trump with cool heads.

@St-Sinner there is no other batch in the same situation...but I get what you are saying...the root of the problem has to be solved...most of the dreamers I know did not come through the Mexican border, however...their parents were here on work visas that one checked...they stayed...almost 20 years or will be the economy that will make the matter who wins will have to deal with that first...

@thinktwice This is from Pew Research. 80% are from Mexico. It is a travesty. If we are still wondering why Trump resonated with voters in 2016, here is one of the answers.

But we progressives are living in a parallel universe thinking Hillary was good. No, she was not good.

@St-Sinner Oddly, until he talked about the wall as a rally cry, most people were not impacted by wasn't until he drummed up incorrect "facts" that were often accepted as truths...of course, states bordering Mexico were already conservative states, but, a farmer in central PA had no issue with it and actually needed migrant workers to help out...amazing what marketing will do...and yeah, my friends are from Mexico awaiting approval of their visas...but they came by plane into PA...

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