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Ford prepares for layoffs after Fuhrer Trump's assanine tariffs.I if you are angry you are invited to join Leftists. We hate Fuhrer Trump who is following Hitler's playbook.

sassygirl3869 9 May 16

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trump and his republican cohorts are a modern version of Fascism without the use of outright violence at this point, just mild mayhem morphing into extreme reversals of laws, rules, protections, and safeguards granted to us by the Bill of Rights and our Constitution!

Hitler and Nazism were an extreme version of Fascism with violence and mayhem from the start!

We are being sucked into this Fascists vortex like a slow moving Coup D’tat which has been taking place for the last seventy years right in front of our eyes!

how would you define fascism?
can you give me a specific example of the Bill of Rights being violated by the president?


Trump denounces KKK and racism in Charlottesville
Donald Trump has denounced racist violence after the killing of a protester in Charlottesville, Virginia.

He said the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists were "repugnant" to everything Americans held dear.

Mr Trump was criticised for not specifically denouncing extremists in his initial comments on the violence.

14 Aug 2017

Trump's father Fred Trump was a member of KKK. Where do you think Trump's hate stems from?

My great-great-grandfather probably own slaves does that mean I'm a racist today.
I would be impressed if you could site specific racist quotes from Trump.
I've looked long and hard and I haven't found any.
I don't expect us to agree on this issue but if you can come up with compelling arguments.
you might convince me.
if you need to resort to name-calling and typing in all-caps it probably means that you really don't have any facts to share


We desperately need to be rid of this %#*&!! jerk. The one area he is vunerable is in the economy. When that starts to go so might he.


what I heard him say was' there are good people on both sides'.

That's always true. I don't need to live in an echo chamber in order to feel good about myself if I'm wrong prove it.

that statement in and out of itself is not to no racism, I understand why Civil War monuments should be preserved. what if that's your argument that Trump is a Nazi, that's a weak one.


Can we keep the politics to the politics sub group please.


In his first veto, Trump rejects bill that would block his border emergency


How do you know that there are white supremacist in Trump's base.
I know that Trump has denounced racism many times.
What Bill did he veto I was truly not aware of that.
AS a white male it seems to be the responsibility to prove his innocence prove he is not a racist and if you don't you're assumed to be a racist.
I am interested in specific quotes which I can reference so that I can form an opinion
if Trump is a racist or a Nazi or the new Hitler help me.


Leftists group is one of my favorite groups on here.


i'VE MET SURVIVORS FROM DACHAU. tRUMP will not sign equal rights amendment because he an pos Pence hate LGBTQ people. He only puts up with anti-semitism because Jared and Ivanka are Jewish. He does not denounce white supremists who comprise his base. Done arguing with you. Please stay out of my groups-you are not welcome.


I've been to Dachau.
The Trump presidency looks nothing like the Nazis.
you may just agree with his policies if so I would like to hear what you and why
we may disagree but at least you would have demonstrated that you formed a coherent thought as to why you hate the man. if you have specific quotes to his racism or his hatred of homosexuals I would be interested


I am the host of jewish by culture. I've been to yad vashem in israel and firsthand have experienced the holocaust losing family. You are deaf, dumb and blind regarding jewish history. How many holocaust museums have you visited? I read exodus at 12.


I think that it would be best if you learned more about the Holocaust.
before you start throwing around the term Hitler's Playbook
this is a book I recommend I've read it and I would like to discuss it with you
Exodus is a historical novel by American novelist Leon Uris about the founding of the State of Israel. Published in 1958, it begins with a compressed retelling of the voyages of the 1947 immigration ship Exodus. The book has been widely praised as successful propaganda for Israe

She is right, and you are wrong. He is using the exact same political tactics Hitler used to get in power and after he got in power. The Holocaust has nothing to do with this.


Reply notworking-Concentration camps are on the southern border. His new immigration policy today does not let uneducated poor immigrants into the country. RACIST Policy !!!!! Must be profocoent in English and pass test.NAZI MASTER RACE IS WHAT HE WANTS.


did I miss the concentration camps haven't seen any in my neighborhood
saying something over and over again doesn't make it true.
is Trump advocating genocide I must have missed that did he make a speech about the final solution to the Mexican problem.
all I have heard Trump say is he is not a racist CNN says he is over and over again
but I haven't heard any words coming from his mouth I would call racist.
if you are going to resurrected Old post for me I would value facts but don't keep saying the same thing over and over again expecting me to believe it I'm interested in direct quotes
I understand that your passion on this point I don't mean to upset you , you are clearly a True Believer it sounds like if you were ever open-minded that is changed but I would value the opportunity for you to educate me.

You are a fucking moron. If you support this piece of shit human being, it means you are a piece of shit human beings.


at least the laid-off employees will be able to find jobs. the unemployment rate is a lot lower than under Obama
please explain that to me the I read the rise and fall of the Third Reich and I've studied a lot of World War II history I can't understand what you mean please explain it to me

So your ignorant too. No surprise. Why are you fowling this site with your stench?


Reply not working again. I posted several posts on this - I will try to resurrect them. Taking away press passes, no more press conferences, using immigrants vs. Jews as scapegoats, make America greater follows Hitler's Master Race plan, calling people animals like Hitler called Jews rats, deportation of undesirables. DO YOU WANT MORE? HE IS A RACIST AND VS LBGTQ COMMUNITY JUST LIKE HITLER!!!! He sent them to the camps as well. TRUMP IS THE NEW HITLER!!!!!

Hitler was a member of the national socialist workers party aka NAZI party!

trump is a Fascists along with his cohorts the Republican Party!

The NAZI party was extreme Fascism like in Franco’s Spain!

No one in 1933 Germany or Spain believed that they would be under a dictatorship because they had legally elected government officials, laws, and a constitution!

trump and his republican Fascists are the modern version using the law by turning them inside out and with their stacked judiciary to uphold their illegal reformatting of our law, ruled, regulations, and lastly the revamping of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights!

The people of Germany in 1933 thought that could never happen to them!

We all know how that turned out!

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