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I want to go on a road trip alone or with someone I love, I want to get away explore places, stop a lot, just admire the view, try different coffee shops, listen to my favorite music while driving and have my camera at the ready to take pretty pictures of the the sunrise and sunsets, sit in a forest and just observe, I want to make memories, I want to feel alive.

MsHoliday 8 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Barnie, my dog, and I are headed for a road trip to Canada next month. First we’ve been away in about three years! Then planning a motorcycle ride to West Virginia with a few Retreads at the end of that month. Neither is the romantic trip down the Rhine I crave, but you work with what you have available! 😊

@MsHoliday, I’ve been to Toronto years ago, Montreal and Quebec City, the old part is my favorite. I speak fluent French, and they are generally kind enough to switch from Québécois when speaking with me. I rode my motorcycle up the first time and took my wife and son the second. I’ve also ridden up for a rally in Niagara Falls. This time I am stopping to visit a Slovak friend outside Toronto, he opened a restaurant. Then I meeting another friend I met online eight years ago online and we have kept in touch on Facebook, but this will be the first we actually meet in person. Which part of Canada are you in?

@MsHoliday, thanks! With the pup I’m mostly going for visiting friends, can’t do a lot of things with the dog along. I forgot, I took a local youth hockey team up to Kitchener for a tournament one time. That was more than 30 years ago. Canada somehow feels much more European to me than the US, but still the American sprit.

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