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Is this the true social policy in the USA? Rhetorical question?

ToolGuy 9 May 22

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sad but true. Unfortunatly a lot of the Dems fit in with that as well.

So true about the Dems. When they have control of the White House, that's when I am most afraid of Doc. Sec. and Medicare being cut, as they will justify it in the name of being time to cut the deficit and be fiscally responsible, etc. to show they can match the Repubs in that. Of course tho, like the Repubs, the Dems can always find money in the budget for wars.

@TomMcGiverin they just "borrow" the money for those it is just everything else we never have "the money for".


Good one and very true. We have the best government money can buy.


They sure are trying. Actually, if the cartoon reflected that they are trying to kill off the guy in the wheelchair by making drugs too expensive/healthcare out of reach...yeah. Pretty close!

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