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to pray or not to pray that is the question.
you have a good job.
you are well're good at it, you believe that there is huge opportunity for promotion and within your company. your boss is an Evangelical Christian,
he is asked to to pray at the invocation of the board of directors prayer breakfast.
this is a great honor. it may result in you being noticed an elevated to a higher position.
if you decline your boss will be insulted, and he will know that you are a nonbeliever.
what will you do?

m16566 7 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Would never happen, I am British, it would be illegal.

When I was a young auditor in the South, one of my clients was a huge hotel chain. The owner was very religious...he opened every meeting with a prayer and everyone coworker was Jewish and I was atheist so we were not sure what to do...we merely stood respectfully with the others but did not pray or bow our was reported to our home office but fortunately, they stood firm and did not take us off the account. The solution was that we did not show up to the location until after the morning meetings. I often wondered how many of the workers were forced to attend....the practice stopped when the owner died of old age, so perhaps there was change in the air even back then.

how would anybody know if the reason you weren't promoted?

@m16566 Oh they'd know


If prayer works there is only one prayer that need be spoken.

Pray for the best of things for all things.


Yeah fake it you did pick the business

bobwjr Level 10 May 23, 2019

Give the speech of your life and pray they don't realise ... get the promotion under your belt, then get the hell out of there before you go crazy trying to continue living a lie


Go and fake it...not any different than pretending to like the boss's don't need to wear your personal beliefs like a big red A on your chest...after all, we are sensible and adaptable to the real world...

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