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Not sure if I told you all but my middle son has started working in the unit I helped commission? I am very proud. He is naturally a kind hearted person and good at de escalting situations. Unfortunately this is a crisis MH unit and he has encountered someone attempting to tie a ligature today. He handled it well. I am fighting every desire to run and save him. Its a very tough and sometimes dangerous job. I feel anxious it's too much.

Amisja 8 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Stand back and take deep breaths.
Also, from his perspective it's an intersting procedure, and something to be learned, a new experience.
Take it from the mother of a firefighter, he has some horrific encounters that are labeled " really interesting". If he does feel shocked or traumatized, my lad can always go and talk to the older guys, which he had to do once. It's a phase of turning into an adult, knowing when you need outside help, and he will have that through you when the going DOES get tough.

Tilia Level 7 May 27, 2019

You are right of course, its just so hard.


Let him be a man. I'm sure he will be fine.


You got to be proud of him. I'm sorry for your anxiety though, I don't know how would I handle that situation, or having a army, police, air force son...

I am massively proud. He is a seriously fab guy but the idea of him encountering these trully horrible situations worry me. He is a man though...I have to trust him.


Trying to maintain a balance is often difficult. Best wishes.

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