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Of course, correlation is NOT causation. Nevertheless, this is interesting:


PBuck0145 7 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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You're asking the wrong question. Its not has prejudice and racism increased under Trump as the article points out. The question is why has the incidences of overt racist violence and actions increased so steeply and significantly under this president?

The racists, when they took the initial survey are stll racist. The difference then becomes, "What has changed to embolden these racist to overtly act out now, when they didn't before?"

This where the correlation does imply causation. The president sets the moral, ethical, and acts as a role model for the country. Its part of the job, like it or not. The country looks to the Office of the Presidency for leadership in these areas.

This president, due to his own racism and misogyny has given implicit and explicit permission to the racists in this country to act out. His condemnations have been teleprompter scripted and always delivered in an unbelivable lukewarm presentation. He is easy to read when he belives in something, he is enthusiastic and animated. When he doesn't, but is forced to by political necessity, he is blase' and flat. His condemnations have all bern blase and flat. Add to this the dog whistle comments he throws into his animated oresentations and you have a direct relationship in the rise in racial acts and violence and the presidents words and actions .

So recap, like it says in the article, the number of persons who are racist hasnt necessarily increased. But thevnumber of overt violence racist actions have. That is a direct correlation between this increase and this president. This is one place where correlation is directly linked to causation.

You are completely misrepresenting the content of the article. Did you read it?

You may be correct. I got started then got interupted. When I came back I reacted to the beginning. I'll go back and finish now.

Alright the article focused on the phenomenon of research showing a decline in racial attitudes by whites. Okay, nothing I said above was irrelevant. In fact just the opposite. Given the significant rise in racially motivated incidents since Trump came in to office, I still agree that the real question that should be asked is the one I outlined above.

I did not miss represent, I extended the conversation into a more productive avenue.

@t1nick OK.

Its interesting. Its not often that a large study like thais actually ends up proving their null hypothesis as opposed to proving their hypothesis. Often times they get a weak correlation or moderate to strong correlation. But that's one of the things that s scientific studies allows for. It usually means that their initial question was flawed.


Maybe a lot of people have seen the ugly face of white nationalism, and responded 'fuck that for a joke'.


Yeah I think it’s a combination of how galvanized against trump we’ve become, plus the fact that a lot of moderate conservatives were only riled up against blacks because they resented having a black leader. A lot of em are still just as racist but they no longer have such an impetus to let it out. Their leader is venting it for em and legislating their prejudices, must be cathartic.

It’s the result of one group losing a boogeyman to ralley against and another gaining a more problematic one. Donald Trump is like a real life Archie bunker. So backwards and myopically rigid it would be funny if it wasn’t real life. He’s doing a brilliant job of serving as a shiny beacon on the hill, a stark reminder of how not to be for everyone who knows their ass from a hole in the ground. The fact that more people are gaining a reason to compensate the other direction is our only silver lining around this orange, glowing cloud of shit.

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