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Do you really want to understand people and how they think and believe in general, or are you just curious to hear how bad or good things can get for them in comparison with yourself?

Mcflewster 8 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Understanding, always. Comparisons don't work for me, good or bad. Everyone's in a different place in their life and has dealt with different things and in different ways that's gotten them to where they are. Understanding eliminates the need for comparison.


I like understanding how things work, including people.

1of5 Level 8 May 27, 2019

I certainly do. People are fascinating and my lifelong study has been ‘why do people do what they do?’

I also like to hear peoples views on life, religion, politics, because it's fascinating to hear things I haven't heard previously.


This is a place for communication/connection, amusement and sometimes intelligent discussion. I don't see much talk involving "how terrible my life is", so this question seems out of place, to me.

IMO progress can only be made by understanding why people make the choices they do . I have no interest in just hearing about peoples catastrophies which I think is the lifeblood of the gossip and entertainment , scandal and telltale industries. We can usually understand why they do things - sex and money.

@Mcflewster I stubbed my toe on the kitchen table leg this morning. It didn't pay anything and was totally asexual.

@CallMeDave How terrible ,really - will make an exception for you

@Mcflewster That is probably true as a generalisation but there are many people whose motivation is neither or certainly not priorities.


On a personal level, unless someone actually tells me about their views and what they believe, I don’t really ask. However, if they do, I am interested in what they have to say and would engage with then in an exchange of Ideas and views. As a counsellor with a Charity, I do have to ask certain questions of clients, but I never volunteer any information regarding my own circumstances, that would neither be appropriate or professional. I never compare my lot with those of my friends or others I may know or read about, but I can’t help thinking how fortunate I am to have been raised as a freethinker. I do realise when listening to the people whom I volunteer to help, just how comparatively well off I am, and that’s why I try to give something back by giving my time to help them.


My work is trying to understand people. Never to compare though. My experiences are mine alone. There is so much that goes into creating an adult that we can never understand each other fully.

Creating an adult is a lot to do with the ability to take on responsibility for all aspects of your own life and family. `in a way welfare state takes away this responsibility and we could find better ways of making sure that people do not fall through holes in safety nets.

@Mcflewster Some people just do. Despite a welfare state. Humans are such weird creatures. We kill for fun and do lots and lots of things we know are harmful to ourselves. The welfare state was never really there to 'save' individuals, more to break the cycle of poverty. I agree it does somewhat encourage intergenerational dependance on the state but there are many many people who do suceed. I think we need to move society away from individualism to social responsibility, without it being pushed through the auspices of religion.

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