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F I N A L L Y.....

Robert Mueller does a press conference.

This can be B I G...
The special counsel says if his team had confidence the President did not commit a crime, it would have said so


St-Sinner 9 May 29

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At Last....
Our Muller has come along...
But are Democrats' miserable days over?

And then Trump smiled, Trump smiled
And the spell was cast....
He was the favorite of his base
At Last....


At last

bobwjr Level 10 May 29, 2019

White House says..... What Muller said is nothing new. It is a Nothin Burger."


I almost missed that am listening to various commentors now...

Russia interfered...Congress has to do their job...all said by Mueller...

This caught my attention....

"Charging Trump was not an option."

@St-Sinner yep...with instructions from the DOJ...

@thinktwice Yes, people often forget how a Special Prosecutor and Independent Prosecutor is appointed. Always, the Justice Department (Presidents' men) appoint these prosecutors and often the appointment letters have conditions on scope.

@St-Sinner I agree with him on his professionalism in following these has to be consistent no matter who is in office...

"the constitution requires that a body other than the justice system has to make this decision"...Bob Mueller...

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