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McConnell eyed after Russian venture in Ky follows sanctions lift. 1 week ago.
Russians donate 3.5 million to McConnells pac.

freeofgod 8 May 29

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Wow. I guess I should not be surprised in the least. They are so blatant in their actions and their minions are so intellectually-crippled but they cannot even see that they are colluding with the greatest enemies of our country. I don't know what is worse. This or the fact that Trump called the 8 billion dollars of arms sold to Saudi Arabia an emergency so he could circumvent getting congressional approval for the sale. One billionaire real estate grifter could never bring our country down without his enablers. He would never have been anything more a reality TV star, who is so incompetent that putting his inheritance into a money market account would have made him more wealthy than he is today.


Could this be why McConnelll refuses to secure our elections? because h e is befitting from Russian money?



I think he has done as much damage if not more than Trump. Hard to believe I just typed that, but I did.... Someone really really needs to run against him in Kentucky.

Ohub Level 7 May 29, 2019

More. McConnell has backed Trump all the way.


...if there’s such as thing as evil, mcconnell wins..

Varn Level 8 May 29, 2019

Turtle is right in there with Trump. Breaking the law and making himself richer. I loathe him almost as much as Trump 😟


He's such a beacon of upstanding morality. We should all strive to be like turtle man and line our pockets at the expense of the people of the USA.

1of5 Level 8 May 29, 2019
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