If you are debating whether to see "John Wick 3: Parabellum," don't. It is a complete disappointment, as there are not nearly enough bullets fired, fight scenes, or dislocated and broken joints and bones, and I'm entirely joking. John Wick 3 expends more ordnance than WWII, and it has some very original and gut-wrenching fight sequences. I'm not usually an action movie fan but I am a big fan of Keanu's and saw the first one out of curiosity. The sequel was a worthy follow-up, and the third confidently answers the question, "How can they possibly up the action?!" If you're looking for closure, however, forget about it. There will quite obviously be a JW4. The person I saw the movie with had not seen the first two movies and isn't the world's biggest action movie fan, but she loved it. If you want to get your ultra-badass action on, see Parabellum!
Loved Parabellum! Great over the top action sequences with a bit of humor thrown in for good measure. Watch the interview with the director describing how he and Reeves put the story together
and you'll understand why the story is a bit disjointed in places
Will be interesting to see what happens to Winston, the Bowery King, the Director, and the Administrator in episode 4 'the search for more money' lol!. Winston and Charon interst me the most. They seem most likely to have a long game plan. I will see it when it comes out!
yeah, it's pretty formulaic so if you go just looking for cool fights then you'll be set. if you're actually trying follow a decent storyline then it's not superb. I even got that same impression from Keanu's own reactions when the subject came up in an interview. I think he thinks he's kind of a sell-out for doing it BUT he's also a man of impeccable integrity and if he gives his word he does it if at all possible. SO I forgive him the work artistically and enjoy the fights and random scenes. The dude from deadwood is cool and damn, Halle Berry is so pretty. Looking at her makes me smile.
I can’t wait to see this and I’m sure I’ll agree with everything except that Keanu makes me smile 🥰. I’ve always been a fan of his since the Matrix!!
@Jewelee65 agreed! I like him a lot too. He's one of my spiritual models of sorts.
I don't think anyone involved in the first one remotely expected it to become a hit franchise. Keanu, from everything I read and everything I hear others say about him, seems to be an absolutely great person, so I always cheer for his success. He is not the world's greatest thespian, but he has definitely had some moments, such as in "My Own Private Idaho," and his comedic roles such as in "I Love You to Death" are hilarious. As simple-minded a premise as it has been, the fact that it all stems from someone killing the dog his dying wife got for him is enough for me to buy into the resulting rampage. The intricacies and elaborate rules of the crime-world in the movie is fun, too. Most action movies leave me feeling underwhelmed but the John Wick franchise has been totally entertaining to me, and I agree--it was nice seeing Halle Berry in something again and Ian McShane is always a great addition to anything he's in.
The main problem with these "series" is that they are not series as in TV.
Hence the movies have to do too much in too short a time. The result is some of the movies are more transitional. And therefore, not so great as stand-alone bits.
This sequel is totally reasonable given the previous conflicts.
number 4 will provide some resolution. I hope to live long enough.