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Hey gang - I am at a loss as to what to write about in my next political commentary for the newspaper. Too many on sex, drugs and the new tax plan(s). Any ideas?

SageDave 7 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you all. I decided to write about the House tax plan, the changes to the"tax-advantaged" 529 college fund plans and the attempt to give personhood at conception. This would be a major blow to women's reproductive rights.


How about how christianity has been hijacked by the Republican party, and why they always talk about what God said but never Jesus anymore.


People are often mystified by and vilify the other political parties and speak of polarization, but if they understood the root influences they may better understand each other. The 5 primary virtues in Political Moral Foundations Theory that are care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and sanctity, conservatives place about 10x more importance on loyalty, authority, and sanctity than progressives indicating those traits have much more influence on conservatives' beliefs than on progressives' beliefs. Enough to create several political differences.


Students intentionally pushed through high school w/o performing.


What about the massive increase in military spending and sales of weapons to human rights abusers like Saudi Arabia by British and American billionaire parasites ?


Hidden history of WW2 and why Germany isn't legally allowed to publish pre-war documents until 2099? Or maybe how democracy failed for West Australia in 1933 when the majority of the state voted for succession as was their legal democratic right, sent the bill to the commonwealth government in England where they ruled it "invalid" because it didn't suit their interests.


How about the "" Trump Impact" on the recent elections? In Westchester county, NY. most republican politicians were defeated. The general reason behind this defeat is "We have enough with one republican."




How about how selfish our nation's people have become when it comes to respecting the lives and experiences, tragedies, of others throughout this nation. Forget the world. This nation has rarely given a damn about the world except as trade agreements. We're approaching Thanksgiving and the idea we destroyed the proud Indian people's of the Massachusetts area for has become lost. All the death we've caused and suffered. All for an idea which is becoming lost. For what? Economics and racial advantage. This is what people will thank God for in two weeks.


How about how fracking is poisoning our air and water and contines to be protected by our politicians. Many European countries are banning it.
Also you cans report on GMO,s and round up ..
Monsanto is also being protected.
Both subjects are under reported.


Flint Michigan is still a massive problem going on, that is something worth bring back up. Residents are still being given and made to pay for poisonous water while it just newly came out the governor has very likely perjured himself, again, but no political action of consequence has began rolling. I think the one in charge of it is running on the Republican ticket, the conflict of interest making it all make sense.
Others could be the new pipeline protests out west by natives, the racial tensions in St Louis, or the rise of gerrymandering and how both being in charge of it and not being in charge of it benefits both sides. Lots of juicy directions to go on important things hardly given the time they deserve.

Steyv Level 4 Nov 12, 2017

Environmental awareness. But that doesn't pertain to the US political scene. Too bad.

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