More Americans have died, this year, because of guns than there were Americans killed on D-Day.
Seriously. Don’t you think it’s time to finally to something to fix the problem?
It won't happen until someone in their families die in a shooting.
Reagan was shot, Brady was shot. We got a time-limited law. It’s dead now. Gifford was shot, we got nada. Scalise was shot, we got nothing. Stennis was shot... nothing. Others, going further back have been shot, or killed as well.
Just whose family is magical enough to get something done?
Around 29,000 us soldiers were killed that day.
That would be wrong as far as D-Day is concerned.
@Rob1948 nyt said 29k. The official government site said 9k.
@TheGreatShadow the article has different numbers. I can’t help but wonder if the numbers you quote may be total casualties which is the sum of dead, wounded and missing.
Here is a link referenced in the article. []
@Rob1948 I don't know that, but I am sure more than 3 died that day from firearms.