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This soul-mind-body union is free manifestation of sacred invisible energy; that crosses path on the Here-of-Now. Love would never be in its Reality by any unproven human-made religious arrangement.

NiceFarm 5 Mar 12

Enjoy being online again!

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"Most Americans believe they possess an immaterial soul that will survive the death of the body. In sharp contrast, the current scientific consensus rejects the traditional soul, although this conclusion is rarely discussed publicly. In this book, a cognitive scientist breaks the taboo and explains why modern science leads to this controversial conclusion. In doing so, the book reveals the truly astonishing scope and power of scientific inquiry, drawing on ideas from biology, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and the physical sciences.

Much more than chronicling the demise of the traditional soul, the book explores where soul beliefs come from, why they are so widespread culturally and historically, how cognitive science offers a naturalistic alternative to religious conceptions of mind, and how postulating the existence of a soul amounts to making a scientific claim.

Although the new scientific view of personhood departs radically from traditional religious conceptions, the author shows that a coherent, meaningful, and sensitive appreciation of what it means to be human remains intact. He argues that we do not lose anything by letting go of our soul beliefs and that we even have something to gain.

Throughout, the book takes a passionate stand for science and reason. It also offers a timely rejoinder to recent claims that science supports the existence of the soul and the afterlife."



Why so many find the statement difficult to understand is troubling. One need not grasp 100% to perceive at least some inherent validity and 'sense' in an expression.

As a slight aside, 'life energy' is invisible if one isn't looking for it. Establish internal and external conditions enabling perception, then look for it. It is everywhere, and yes, love is prevented from becoming all that it can be precisely because of 'unproven, (male) human-made religious arrangements.

"Establish internal and external conditions enabling perception" - It's the deepest, most secret part of yourself. It's the part of "life's energy" that's so private, even you don't know what's in there.

@NiceFarm I agree. While seeing ourselves in our wholeness, trying to understand and get in touch with what animates us and what surrounds us, we're often unaware of our roles as a part of that which we're seeking. This is close, I think, to what Reich was describing: "In the act of thought, life comprehends it's own essence."


I believe there are questions that we, as humans, don't have answers to. My example was was, "Which came first the chicken or the egg?" To my knowledge no one had been dead, for an extended length of time and return, to explain what happend after death. As to my belief about God, I fell frustrated that people think of God as sometype of puppet master. If I pray God will give me what I pray for. If there was a loving God, how does anyone explain what is happening to good people in Afghanistan, Somlia, and all those in transit. If God was mighty enough has is it that God has lost the power to create unity and love. As for me, I thin people use God as an explanation for what they don't understand. Religion was created by men to impose control over others. Each gneration of religion only increases their form of control. I hope that clarifies my response.


Not sure if I understand this statement. Would like to.


Love is the promotion of life...until it's ended!


We don’t know if the soul exists, although it’s presence feels intuitive. What we can see is the body. What we can manifest is the mind. And our mind does not need any external source when it comes to feel the sublime impulse of love. Love is the here and now that exists even when the body falters.


Even atheists can spout deepities I guess.


I bet that was taken from here: []

It's 100% mine! 🙂


Got any evidence for "sacred invisible energy"?

"sacred invisible energy" is there; if one becomes aware of life's.


The invisible and the non existant look a lot alike.


"The unexplainable expresses the doorway to phenomena"

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