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I think its easier to stand up for someone else than it is to stand up for yourself.

When you stand up for someone else, you are standing beside them.

When you stand up for yourself, more often than not, you're standing alone.

Charles1971 7 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Boy is that the fucking truth. I spent most of my life waiting for other people to come to bat for me or stand up for me when I was being mistreated or wronged and no one ever did. So finally I decided to quit waiting and start standing up for myself and fighting back when I was mistreated, never physically, of course, as an adult. It felt a lot better than having false hope that others would protect or defend me against unjust people. I learned the sober truth that most people are too selfish and gutless to deal with conflict and stand up for others. And also that most people avoid conflict and confrontation, even when it comes to standing up for themselves, much less for someone else. So much for all that Good Samaritan crap in the Bible.

@Ms_McSteven That has certainly been my experience. The victim is blamed and the bully gets a pass, esp. in the workplace, even if it isn't the boss.

@Ms_McSteven Glad you and the one brother became good friends. I will have no contact with my siblings after my father's funeral, as I don't believe in pretending with people that just don't get me, respect or accept me, or genuinely want to be in my life. Even if they did, want to, it would only be if completely on their terms, which would be very superficial and require me to do a lot of self-censoring. I'm just too stubborn and selfish, I suppose, to agree to that. If they can't at least accept and treat me as well as my friends already do, what do I need them for, because they are accidentally related to me by blood? That's not enough in my book.


Yes it can be daunting to stand up for your self.


It is equal in part, how well you standup for yourself will determine how well you can for others.

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