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How many members here can discuss the mathematics of four dimensional geometry?
That is the current bedtime reading and mental pre-occupation of my grandson.
He is 6 weeks short of his 11th birthday.

Petter 9 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Give him the book "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" to read. It's a great book and a soft introduction to topology.

(and 4-dimensional geometry is a passion of mine. I LOVE such questions.)

Buxx Level 7 June 13, 2019

He might also like this video (it's an old one from 1995, poor sound quality):

Thanks. I'll pass them on. 😁👍


Way over my head! Never had a mathematical brain, even forget telephone numbers and post codes that I use regularly,


I'm out. Sounds like your grandson has an excellent mind.

He's studying university entrance level exam papers - for fun. No one is forcing him. He is also studying the maths of music - because it's fun.
In between whiles, he plays with his sister in the garden, because it's fun.
But he hates large crowds and noise, and will either go into "meltdown" or go catatonic and seek out a quiet room.


Not I 🙂 ...but I very much admire and appreciate those who can, and humanity can always use more Theoretical Particle Physicists.. Keep him healthy and safe ~

Varn Level 8 June 12, 2019

Thank you. He's such a fascinating mix of unlearned young boy and experienced sage.

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