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Fox News, Tucker Carlson is reportedly at center of Trump's decision not to bomb Iran. Told him bombing would kill his re-election chances. - WTF!!!!! - A Faux News pundit is controlling the actions of a POTUS??!!!! We are in deep sh-t!

sassygirl3869 9 June 25

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Ah, did anyone ever think the day would dawn when Tucker Carlson would be thanked for being the voice of reason?


No surprise here😮🎁


Yes, it's true. hannity, carlson and coulter all tell the pustule in chief what to do. This has been going from the moment the electoral college gave him the WH. It's fucking bullshit and if it were up to me I'd get an amendment to the Constitution so qualified people advise the president and no more TV personalities.

@Aryn I never expected, I knew it was gonna be nightmare. I guess I could say I am stunned by the level the gop has gone to prop up this boil on the ass of our government. It is as tho trump is the carbuncle atop the rot that is WA DC.

@Aryn Sure is lookin' that way. 😟


A crazy one at that..

Buddha Level 8 June 25, 2019
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