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It was suggested I ask everyone...I am going to China next Spring (I should have my itinerary soon). Has anyone been? Any good stories or suggestions? You can pm me if you think best...

EyesThatSmile 8 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't got to China. Their government is more oppressive than the Catholic Church during the Inquisition. It's not worth the risk. Especially with today's political climate.


My girls went to China, last summer. I'll pick their brains and pm you.


My advice; stay the fuck away from there. Trump is pissing them off! My folks went to Cuba not that long ago. I told them NOT to go. Did anyways. Glad they returned safe. I'll have to try and find the link, but this is not a country you want to go to at this point.


Many times, where in China, meaning what city? Basics, get a translator because English is almost not spoken except by tour guides, try getting an app called We Chat, where messages in chinese can be translated to english, people pay by phone mostly, western credit cards are not usually accepted anywhere except hotels, not even in western places like Starbucks or any fast food, learn some basic phrases in Mandarin, hello, thanks, good morning, good evening, where is the bathroom, and the like, practice with a chinese friend if you can because mandarin changes meaningsvwith the way it is pronounced, finally do not eat in tourist restaurants because they ate expensive, stickbto street food where you see people eating, good food and cheap, but use cash or phone payment apps

Thanks. Very informative.


Guilin was very neat. We did the Reed Flute Cave and a river day trip. The markets are fun. Hing Kong was crazy crowded but if you go there be sure to hit up the Jade Market. Just be careful you're buying real Jade and not plastic.

Remi Level 7 June 26, 2019

I just returned from Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Beijing. It was a business trip so it may be different for you. Good time of year but bring a raincoat. What areas are you going?


My sister went there for a year about a million years ago. However, I have nothing to report other than I think the genuine Chinese food is very spicy.

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