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‪Trump moments ago...”I have tremendous numbers of Iranian friends ... they're from Iran. They're wonderful people." THE KING OF IDIOTS!‬

Charliesey 7 June 25

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you didn't hear the one where he's sitting in a room full of Israelis, having just been to Saudi Arabia, and he says," I just got back from the Middle East?"
I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be anywhere near foreign policy when you don't know geography at a minimum.

lerlo Level 8 June 26, 2019

Please tell me he didn't say this. I have a huge amount of Mexican friends. They are from Mexico. They aren't from El Salvador, Guatemala, Portugal, or Canada. They are from Mexico.


I feel like he he might be related to miss teen USA South Carolina 2007. Such as U.S. Americans.

Or maybe forest gump. My names forest gump people call me forest gump. I have Iranian friends they’re from Iran.


I'd like to ask him to name some of his tremendous numbers of Iranians friends names.

Well, there's the Russians in thier embassy in Tehran. Do they count?

@1of5 Yes, I'm sure trump could count on them.

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