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Good morning all.
Divide and conquer has been a strategy used since the beginning of time. We need to come together to really enhance the future of the human race.

Unity 7 June 26

Enjoy being online again!

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This is perhaps one of the most profound posts I've come across on this site in some time, and it raises a valid point that more Americans should take into consideration. Came across this meme a few weeks ago, and it has a similar message to the one you shared above.


We have come a long way and we have a long way to go.

MrDMC Level 7 July 12, 2019

So true


And what in human history tells you this is ever going to happen. Human beings by and large worry only about what directly affects them at the time.

There is no indication that this will ever happen. One can dream.

@Unity Yes we can. ☺


It’s how this administration and the Republican base work. Always have.

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