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With these trying times i want to bring up a old 2006) movie good night and good luck about edward r morrow and his fight with joe mccarthy in early 50s . Remember the quote as much as things change they still stay the same . Very prophetic in light of politics today watch it on netflix produced by george clooney lot of great stars black and white . Awesome film i vaguely remember as i was just a child but had it in school mccarthyism is alive and well in the republican party same party back then what are your views on this

bobwjr 10 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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the more things change the more they remain the same. translated from a french writer.


In that same movie, Morrow also warned about how mass media would become propaganda vehicles for the ruling class and demagouges like Trump and many before him, like McCarthy.

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