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ok you rocking chair enthusiasts, what are your suggestions for the Democrats to beat Trump in 2020, and do you think realistically they can win, I do because we need to preserve the constitution of the United States as well as our planet, what are your thoughts?

TonyCarl1 6 June 28

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after watching last night debate, i will be watching very closely Kamala Harris , and Mayor Pete


Its too late. Thirty percent of the USA thinks Trump is a great man.
The damage to the USA and our allies have been done. They won't trust us for a long time.

and the 70% ....???

I think just by turning out to vote will do it...people are outraged and determined with a common mission, even if they are saying it is to pick the "best" candidate, we all know what people's real mission get back to civility and normalcy in our country and the world...we are tired and want to get back to our rocking chairs...

@thinktwice My chair stopped rocking a long time ago.

@PondartIncbendog too are still young enough to make waves...


I voted in every presidential election since I was allowed to, and the last one wasn't for the orange moron. I've also voted in every state election, I have missed a few local ones. I'm waiting for the 🤬nightmare to end.😵

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