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Infoguy211 8 July 1

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I think somebody was smoking the wacky tobacky at this fine manufacturer of door mats. Reminded me of the Obvious Plant guy (


Reminds me of the Douglas Adams character, Wonko the Sane, a man who diagnosed the whole world certifiably mad after finding a set of instructions for use inside of a packet of toothpicks.
To this end he placed a sign on the inside of his front door reading "To the asylum"


I certainly hope it was made with a sense of humor and not from past experiences...I can almost see the reason for each one of those warnings...ha ha ha


That's what it's all about.

Deb57 Level 8 July 1, 2019

It is of course the hokey cokey, though some of my friends from across the water have been known to sing okey cokey or even okey pokey. We are truly two nations separated by a common language.

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