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I personally believe astrology is very helpful!!! For finding out who is the stupidest person in the room!!! Any thoughts? What's your sign?

Coffeeman 7 July 2

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The EXIT sign! I most generally know when it's time to leave.


Two people in a room, Galileo and Donald Trump.

Who is the most stupid?

Who? Is this the setup for a joke?

@Coffeeman I think Mr Trump falls into the most stupid category as he doesn’t believe in astrology whereas Galileo was well versed in its efficacy when using at a ‘mundane’ level, not the fortune telling variety

@Geoffrey51 Ok! Gotcha!


Isaac Newton was reeaallly stupid then!

Did he believe in astrology?!

@Coffeeman he practised it.


Most people are not stupid, they are ignorant. There is a difference. You can find a homeless man on the streets, and he is not stupid, you might even learn something from him. In fact, most people have their own personal niche, they know more about something than nearly anyone else, and they may be ignorant as fuck about other things, but they can teach you something. It is actually quite rare to come across someone who is completely stupid, but usually that means they are in government or a high-level political office.

THHA Level 7 July 3, 2019

That's great! Thank you!


My sign is neon.

How very "noble" of you! Hehehe

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