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What in the? Talk about pulling shit out of your ass.

The Diocese of Peoria believes that Archbishop Fulton J Sheen – who died in 1979 – interceded in 2010 on behalf of a baby who began breathing 61 minutes after showing no signs of life at birth.

These people are nuts. Just fucking nuts.


1of5 8 July 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I think it's fascinating how only high ranking and recently deceased Catholics, who are already having their name thrown around/ being reviewed by the Holy See, perform miracles. Its pretty amazing how well the Vatican can predict that sstuff.

Gotta perpetuate the myth that gods out and about doing shit. Call me when 30 tons of food appear out of nothing to save a village from starvation. Then we can talk miracles.


It’s frightening … and perhaps the most important reason this shit needs to be stopped..

Varn Level 8 July 6, 2019

I remember him on TV. I wonder how they know it was him

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