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Kamala Fail: She may have done well in the recent debate, but this is not the person I want to see become the next US president (and not for this reason alone). You don't need to listen to the commentary. This short clip speaks for itself.

Athena 8 July 6

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Tulsi Gabbard is the way to go. Moral center. Clear ideas. All the rest are ONLY attempting to get elected.

JacarC Level 8 July 15, 2019

When an independent or third-party candidate refuses to make a speech at AIPAC, or goes there and tells them like it is, they will get my attention.

THHA Level 7 July 7, 2019

Shes got this condescending attitude.

gater Level 7 July 7, 2019

Kyle obviously likes to hear himself talk. He's awfully repetitive, and obviously opinionated.

Israel is well funded by the American Taxpayer; perhaps too well funded IMO...they have over 200 Nuclear-tipped warheads on many wonder Iran wants nukes.

"Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $134.7 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance...'


But having said that; Harris is essentially "centrist" when it comes to Israel.

“Her support for Israel is central to who she is,” Harris’ campaign communications director, Lily Adams, told McClatchy. “She is firm in her belief that Israel has a right to exist and defend itself, including against rocket attacks from Gaza.”

Harris’ embrace of Israel — one of her first foreign travel destinations as senator — and her diplomatic response to some of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s most controversial policies are consistent with Democrats’ traditional support for the Jewish state.

Her centrist positions on Israel could help her hit back against inevitable attacks from the Trump campaign, which has signaled that it plans to play up Democratic divisions on the issue in the general election.

Read more here: []

@Athena I guess we'll learn more as more debates come up. She asks sharp, poignant questions...her drilling of Kavanaugh was notable;

@Athena Well see. I'm backing Bernie with my $$ if he gets the nomination....but at this point it's up in the air.

I see you're Canadian...why so intently interested in American politics?

@Athena Good answer! With that lunatic walking around with a portable instant nuclear launch's intimidating to know that he's half-a-bubble off.

I don't think Kamala has a chance this time around.

We got gobsmacked when we tried to run a woman following Obama....we clearly underestimated the racism and sexism in America.

We can't let that happen again. She's good...but not great...and America isn't ready for her.

@Athena Tulsi is more aligned to your comments, here and in other posts.




Harris' answer was disappointingly tight lipped about the antagonism by Israel toward Palestine.


my dog would be better than trump

@Athena yes and they shit on you because they need a shit. who knows with people?????


Said that wait for the candidates to show themselves and if they can beat trump

bobwjr Level 10 July 7, 2019

@Athena yup wait until nomination and vote trump out

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