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Since I made my break from religion I’ve asked myself “Why do people feel it’s so important and imperative that you think and feel like they do?” Why are we so obsessed with being right and proving everyone else wrong?

I started listening to the Tao Te Ching about a year ago. Each time I listen I learn something new. The one big lesson learned is the key to true wisdom is to empty your mind and unlearn slot of things you were taught. My life has been much happier since I don’t try to judge others as right or wrong.

abyers1970 7 July 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Religious people need someone to support them in their beliefs because down deep they know they're bullshit.

lerlo Level 8 July 10, 2019

So you wouldn't judge a Hitler or a Capone., or a killer or rapist. Judgement is innate. If you don't judge you, you will end up with folks who can really fuck up your lifeor harm you and your family. I absolutely do not believe anyone who says they don't judge.

I think it’s not so much a matter of not judging people as trying not to judge people.

@Namaste We all judge people all of the time. Judgement is no more than observing and using those observations to decide how much you like someone, trust someone, or maybe seeing things you don't want to be apart of. We judge whether we are realy conscious of it or not. Judging people is just as important as judging situations.

@Sticks48 I think there's a problem of context here. The author doesn't talk about juging criminals or being unaware of the dangers coming from people lacking of morality. The context is jugement as being religiously right or wrong. Being atheists or agnostics we are free from that need. When a religious person "judge", it comes from a place of self-righteousness that's not healthy. The way you describe judging could be called evaluating. Because who are we to juge others ?? But it's human to compare and evaluate. In the most effective forms of therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for example, learning a non jugemental attitude is key, and it leads to increased well being. Of course we keep the basis of " jugement" that comes with common sense !! But not the one who belittle others.

@Nathalie_Quebec Atheists get self-righteous too. I have only met one person in my life that was non-judgemental and she was very religious. Go figure.

Of course if someone does something hurtful to another then judge him. My point is in regards to people being different from you. I wasn’t even factoring harmful actions into my comment because I thought it common sense that anything harmful is wrong

@abyers1970 Christians will tell you they harm no one, but they support institutions which clearly do much harm. I will judge their hypocritical asses all day long and everyone else I meet. Judgement is survival.


There is a scene in the movie "They Live" where Nada tries to persuade his friend Frank to put on a pair of glasses that show the world as it really is.
Frank refuses and it takes a twenty minute fight before Nada can force him to wear the glasses and see the truth that he is nothing more than cattle.
This scene is exactly what it is like coming out of religion for many people, they will fight to keep their comfortable delusion, they do not want to see, and resent anyone who even makes them think they might possibly have an inkling of a doubt that they have been a bloody gullible fool there whole life.


Thank you...will explore


we like to bring others down when it comes to questions we can't answer ourselves ... especially where survival is an issue. it's inherent defensiveness.

but, that said, I have learned to get past it through vedanta. monism. keep searching. you'll find your path.

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