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Iran is a threat because . . . .

THHA 7 July 8

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Iran was neutralized with the nuclear deal. Then Trump pulled out of the deal, declared the Iranian repulican guard to be terrorists and placed economic sanctions on Iran and pressured other countries place sanctions on iran. It will be a miracle if Iran doesn't start a war... and it will be Trump who will be responsible for it.


that's about it. a large % of the US population: big fat brainwashed slobs who have no clue what's going on in the world.


Iran is a theocracy that sponsors terrorism and is developing nuclear weapons.

I would think atheists would be opposed to theocracies.
I would think atheists would be opposed to terrorism.
I would think atheists would be opposed to nuclear weapons.

Come on, put your common sense above your hatred of Trump.

BD66 Level 8 July 8, 2019

then you must be opposed to the policies of the US.

I would think Agnostics would be open minded enough to explore outside of their own sphere of existance . . . since I am an Agnostic, not an Atheist, and, it often occurs to me that some Atheists are just as narrow-minded as the Christians when it comes to thinking outside of the box . . . the boob tube propaganda machine for one.

Iran was willing to comply with US demands until America kept upping the anti, making more and more demands. Regardless of their regime, Iran is understandably scared of America. You are assuming USA are the good guys and can be trusted with their nuclear weapons.

"I would think atheists would be opposed to theocracies.
I would think atheists would be opposed to terrorism.
I would think atheists would be opposed to nuclear weapons."

Atheists can be opposed to those things as well as the recent US policy changes that only helps to serve a theocratic leaders of Iran and their goals.

Come on, put your common sense above your unquestioning love of Trump..

@AlPastor I voted for Gary Johnson, but Trump has done a better job than I expected him too. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is out of control on

I have noticed many people that formerly identified as libertarian have become more authoritarian Trump loving statists. I wonder if they were only libertarian for the cannabis legalization? I get it, anyone that criticizes lord and savior, Trump, has TDS.

@AlPastor The stock market is near an all-time high. Unemployment is lower than it has been since the 1960's. ISIS is under control. Relationships with North Korea have greatly improved. No new wars or military engagements have been started. Manufacturing jobs are coming back to the USA. We have improved our trade agreements with all of our major trading partners. Trump puts pressure on foreign countries, and he wins time after time after time. Stop watching the propaganda on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, and look at the results.

@BD66 The last nine or so years have been pretty good....economically anyway, although the last two years have slowed a bit.

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