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not from the twilight zone. a couple, one a heavy smoker, bad diet and no exercise. the other a life long athlete, good diet and health habits. one gets copd and other smoking related illnesses,.is on oxygen and is bedridden. how trapped is the other person?

michaelj 7 July 10

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Only as trapped as they think themselves to be.


I never smoked cigarettes. My ex husbands (2) and 10 year long term relationship all did. I was diagnosed with AML -acute myloid leukemia in 2012. After chemo, radiation and bone marrow transplant I am healthy 6 years now. My ex Tim has copd, emphyzema , lymphadema, diabetes and prostate cancer. I had a nurse come in for him every day till I moved to NY with Dan. I did not feel trapped. Get a home care program.

not me


If a couple then that's what they signed up for if only sunshine partner then good goodbye only cared about yourself anyway not a true partner

bobwjr Level 10 July 10, 2019

Cause and effect.

Forty years ago, we knew smoking causes cancer and heart disease.

These idiots were in denial.

I once worked with a couple, way back in the day, who were both heavey smokers. They decided to quit when the links were shown, and both broke the nicotine habit. Problem was, he was also addicted to the physical act of smoking. After 6 months she told him to start smoking again or she was leaving him - actually telling him that they'd spend longer together if he died early from smoking than if he didn't start back up again.

So he started smoking again, on the condition she not leave him if/when it started to kill him. Dunno how it turned out, I changed jobs about 2 years after that, but they were the same, extremely happy, loving couple for the time I knew them.


I think the question is "how did they end up together"?

I think the answer is, they both know no ones perfect and fell in love.


No more than anyone else taking care of someone they love whos dying.

1of5 Level 8 July 10, 2019
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