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Terrorists are not attacking us and our allies because they want to convert us or are jealous of our freedoms, nor even because they believe we are infidels that should die. No, they are attacking us because we (and our allies) have been occupiers and oppressors in their homelands for more than a century. We've stolen their resources, killed their families, armed their enemies, and imposed our values upon them.

If we want terrorism to all but end, we need to get our noses out of the Middle East, quit exploiting their resources, arming them, killing their families, and invading their countries under false pretenses. If another nation were to do to us like we have done to most Middle Eastern nations this past century or two, we would be waging a war of "terror" on them, too. It's not like they can face off head on with the most powerful and advanced military the world has ever known.

And if you really study history, you'll realize that our own war for independence was not so different than what we coin as terrorism today. To the British, we were the guerilla fighters and terrorists of the late 18th century.

It's time for the U.S. to quit meddling in the affairs of other nations, disband the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against 58 years ago, and find an alternative to fossil fuel energy. There is no need for us to spend more on the military than the next 11 highest spending countries combined. There is no need for us to be systematically stripped of our natural rights and liberties protected by our Constitution under the auspices of dubious legislation like the USA PATRIOT Act.

The only people who benefit from the current status quo are a very small handful of extremely wealthy individuals, central banks, and greedy, power hungry politicians. The middle class and the poor are picking up the tab on this scam and are also paying the price in blood - both on the battlefield, and in civilian "terrorist" attacks.

I know this is not a popular, feel good topic, but someone needs to say these things, and it needs to be talked about. It needs to be forced upon our leaders from the ground up. It will only get worse as we continue to ignore it.

There are better things to use social media for than simply posting cat pictures, jokes, gossip, and vacation photos. We have a very powerful tool that was not available to people less than a generation ago. It's time to start caring - and thinking.

Piratefish 7 July 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Islam: GOD based authoritarianism spread by the sword for more than 1400 years. Non- stop war spreading the most evil ideas on the planet today.

Read about how Jefferson responded to these fascists in the early 1800s.

JacarC Level 8 July 15, 2019

Very true. September 11th happened because the US refused to calmly discuss our involvement in the Palestine/ Israel situation during the World Conference against Racism 2001. Several Arab/Muslim nations wanted to discuss why we were backing Israel, and the US publicly refused a discussion. We finally sent Colin Powell with instructions to not change any policy. Three days later we got hit.


Horse shit:
Islam: GOD based authoritarianism spread by the sword for more than 1400 years. Non- stop war spreading the most evil ideas on the planet today.

Read about how Jefferson responded to these fascists in the early 1800s.


I agree with almost everything you say.- but it has been going on for much more than 100 years - probably right back to the crusader invasions of a thousand years ago.
The military machine is a cash cow for big business and fuels wars in its own self interest.... the spending could be used to much better effect, improving the lives of all americans,and possibly other countries too.
Imposing western values and ethics onto other countries with their own civilisation, often of much longer standing than the USA, is wrong .. and foolhardy. Talk with other nations - violence is rarely the best long term option.

Islam: GOD based authoritarianism spread by the sword for more than 1400 years. Non- stop war spreading the most evil ideas on the planet today.

Read about how Jefferson responded to these fascists in the early 1800s.

I am referring to "terrorist" attacks on the US. They were practically nonexistent until we participated in the post WW2 carve up of the Middle East. The Crusades have nothing to do with it. Try to stay focused on the topic at hand.

@Piratefish the arbitray division by straight lines on the map came after WW1, not WW2 ... but the crusades are relevant because that was the first major imposition of western ideas, origin of the Muslim Christian conflict and the enmity that continues


true & undeniable.

Islam: GOD based authoritarianism spread by the sword for more than 1400 years. Non- stop war spreading the most evil ideas on the planet today.

Read about how Jefferson responded to these fascists in the early 1800s.


Partially true other reasons also

bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2019
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