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Rick Wilson:
1/ There's a very passionate reaction to @realDonaldTrump's racisty racism this morning. It's justified, but pointless.

Let me remind you: there is no bottom. There is no better Trump. It's never a joke, or 87-dimensional chess, or some clever strategery.

2/ The point you're missing is that he cannot be shamed. He is immune to moral suasion. He really is that much of a monstrous ass.

It should stand as a reminder that he's going to play to the white nat alt-reich base and you're going to scream about it while you should...

3/ blasting his message to suburban women voters who broke from the GOP in 2016 and 2018, and ONLY in the swing states

They don't want socialism. (Sorry, Squad)

They want decency and sanity.

They oppose cruelty and brutality.

Make this race a referendum on Trump.

4/ I do not care if you get 103% turnout in California. I care that you understand the rules of the game, and the only rules of the game are this:

Win the Electoral College.

His racist shitbag act helps you win the swing states if you can just not step on your genitals.

jerry99 8 July 14

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Dan Rather:
‏This president's cruelty is matched by the cowardice of his enablers, who inflict just as much damage on this nation and its ideals. Men and women in elected office shouldn't get a presumption of normalcy. They must answer for their silence in the face of bigotry and misogyny.

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