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"It's a horrible idea that God, this paragon of wisdom and knowledge, power, couldn't think of a better way to forgive us our sins than to come down to Earth in his alter ego as his son and have himself hideously tortured and executed so that he could forgive himself."

Richard Dawkins

Good morning all 🙂

Knitfreak 7 Mar 15

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What a guy! has always been that Great Father in the sky!

The gawd gott gods sound always has been and always will be gibberish meaningless non-word. ....capitalization is mere emphatic dishonesty

@GreenAtheist at least to some of us...but a bigger portion of the population still believes in Father God...even if he is a fairy tale!

@Freedompath I wonder why xians never show a gawdly penis but do obsess about alleged vaginal virgins birthing grandma and geebush mommy ?

@GreenAtheist they think what they are told to think or not think, original thinking is against their conditioning!!! I suspect an original thought would scare the 'hell,' out of them!


My theory is that there was a preacher named Jesus back then and he said a lot of intelligent sounding statements and gathered a group of followers. These followers speculated that Jesus was the Messiah promised in the Hebrew Scriptures. But then unexpectedly Jesus was arrested, crucified, and of course he couldn't be the Messiah. But his clever followers made up the story that he had been resurrected and was now in Heaven and that the reason he died was to atone for the sins of mankind. With this big lie in place the followers could then continue preaching, PASSING AROUND THE DONATION BASKETS, and gathering more stupid followers. And the sucessors of these charlatons have been doing this for almost 2000 years.

@Gilda Most of the Bible is on a par with Grimm's fairy tales. It has been edited several times. IMO it is the greatest fraud perpetrated on the human race.


The flood, the plagues, and all the genocide weren't any better ideas, either.


As Matt Dillahunty has said, God had to sacrifice himself to make a loophole for a rule that he created.


Insane cannibalistic and specious


I just want to know what kind of god would create something, give it free will, and then punish it when it uses that free will. Sounds illogical and perverse to me.

marga Level 7 Mar 16, 2018

I don't understand how people can claim a loving "father-figure" god would create Hell.

Epicurius said something about the contradiction of god's existence.

JimG Level 8 Mar 16, 2018
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