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Donald Trump's legacy will now and forever more be plagued by association with racism. It will go down in future history books, it will appear in biographies of the era. He cannot escape this association regardless what he attempts going forward.

The sad thing he is carrying the Republican Party along with him and the even sadder part is that they are overtly assisting him. They are creating a dark legacy for themselves and will be defined by their acquiescence.

t1nick 8 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Now we know that the Republicans are the party of Obstructionis!

Their only goal is to enslave us and indenture us for their wealthy owners and their corporations!

trump is a fluke that is legitimizing their Obstructionist value deguised as family and religious values.

It is nothing less than rescinding, destroying, rolling back, dismantling, and diminishing all the protections and safeguards we have earned for the last 242 years as a country!

Wether you believe it or not, this pure Fascism perpetuated by the wealthy and their corporations to own us as fodder for their power greed over us!


Trump’s long history on racial issues has been there for all to see. He is a man with few principles and no moral compass. Sadly he is the leader of our country?! He will say what he believes his base will react favorably to. By the way, if you count just Whites in this country, this is a racist nation.


It's now part of the official Cogressional record and will be forever immorialized as a historical event attached to this Administration.

t1nick Level 8 July 17, 2019

Nah. They will claim that their hands were tied and blame it all on trump.

And they'll get away with it

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