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I can't even with this "walk up" bullshit. I swear the whole country is full of people racing to see who can claim the nation's Dimwit Award. They are PROUD of their persistence in ignorance and buffoonery. Proud to not know a damn fact, Proud to parrot whatever FOX news tells them to parrot. PROUD to watch kids die and call all protesters "paid actors".
They discuss no issues, instead just create an opposing hashtag and call themselves patriots like they went to war or something and now can dub themselves King of Space Force along with their dear deluded leader. I personally am ashamed of the people I know and have to live and work around.
I don't even talk much to them anymore; persistent stupidity and slogan slamming is NOT something to be proud of.
I blame it on the whole "believe what you want to believe" bullshit.

Nemeister 5 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Yep ... the "paid actors" insult gets under my skin. Survivors of school shootings are speaking out and getting called names and even getting death threats ... yes, if you want some sort of gun regulation, you get death threats. Shaking my damn head. Parents of the 6 year old kids killed at Sandy Hook get lots of harassment and death threats. They use elaborate security measures to stay safe. I read that some of them have considered hiring bodyguards. I wonder - what makes people kick a person who is down????????

SKH78 Level 8 Mar 15, 2018

They are barely out of the cave dwelling stage.


Don't watch Faux News(Fox).In AK do you get MSNBC or CNN?

I don't watch FOX, but I can tell what FOX is telling them because they suddenly all repeat it like little bots, trying to convey the illusion that they are clever and thought it up themselves. Just like the "snowflake" insult; it's their go to response for every single thing they don't want to hear.


I think you nailed it.

On a lighter note: I am rather sure you will enjoy Matt Dillahunty's comment on the same topic Time code 1:47.30 of this links I think he is a bit optimistic but this is worth watching to the end.

Hahaha, I like that, "let's sacrifice a chicken and a goat". I'm going to use his lines, why don't you pray the immigrants away.


Blame the victims.


I never got mine either nor a bus to the demonstration..what a cheap


Where do you live?

@doglvr1882 maybe, but more in some areas than others, generally because of economic opportunities and access to education starting centuries ago.

Interior Alaska.

@Nemeister bless your heart. I wish you all happiness and joy. That can't be an easy place for women.

@ponygecko I love the land and the diversity of people....even though they group up. Alaska is where I escaped a nightmare of a marriage and learned to be a grown up. A total grown up. Being in a tough place to be alone and with 5 dependents makes you grow up or collapse. I'm proud of what I went through and the life I have chosen in the FACE of all that was thrown my way. Most women only come because of their man or family. I came with a man, who I ran from for my life. And took over from there. HE ended up running out of the state and I stayed and fought my way to reason, independence, and strength. I once was weak, but now I am strong.
Don't have that many friends, lol, but that's ok....eventually you stop worrying about that.




I agree.

  • "I don't even talk much to them anymore; persistent stupidity and slogan slamming is NOT something to be proud of."

It's part in parcel for identity politics.

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