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Ever happen to you

bobwjr 10 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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"Again." A clue?

JacarC Level 8 July 18, 2019

I haven’t reached that stage.....yet!


Yes this has, I had to put whisky in my tea


Good choice. Milk will kill me. I am not a baby cow!

Hello, I am a Baby Cow. I can't drink anything else but water and milk. Pop tastes like sugar.

@PondartIncbendog You can gladly have my ration of milk. can i have your ration of beer and wine?

@Spinliesel Sure, and smoke em while you got em!

@PondartIncbendog No tobacco for me, friend.

@Spinliesel Me either. Except green cigarettes.


"What shall I do"???



Beer & Mountain Dew for me, maybe Diet Pepsi or Coke Zero. Whatever's on sale this week....

Geezus Crist Paul, that stuff will kill ya!

@PondartIncbendog When.....?

@Paul4747 After you enjoy it. And before the GOP destroys all life as we know it.

@PondartIncbendog So I have time then.

@Paul4747 Come to think of it, guzzle em while we got still got lips!

Having served, I gotta believe the Joint Chiefs have a contingency plan for what to do if the CinC decides in a fit of pique to launch our weapons at Sweden or somewhere (for banning sales of his neckties or who knows what).

It has been reliably reported, and I believe, that the JCS may very well not obey orders for a first strike, since this is against all our policies and in fact would be a war crime. Trump may not realize it, but I don't think this president has full command of the nuclear arsenal, for the first time in 70 years or more. His orders would be filtered through the chain of command, who would very likely experience technical difficulties while they called the VP, the Speaker, the Cabinet, and a lot of other people in the line of succession, who would probably invoke the 25th Amendment very quickly.

(Yes, it might be a palace coup, and at that point I would be okay with it... for the purposes of preventing a global thermonuclear war.)

@Paul4747 I agree. I was in SAC for four years. These intelligent people know what's happening. And they won't be able to communicate,,,,,,,,must be static,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or a misunderstanding.
Navy Guy?

@PondartIncbendog Peace Was Your Profession πŸ˜‰

I was Army (HOO ah). And have a Master's in history with a lot of study on military matters.

(Don't ask how I wound up working 20 years in corrections, instead of teaching somewhere.... just don't. The insurance package is good, that's all I can say.)

@Paul4747 I worked in the computer field. Hated everyday of it. For twenty two lousy years. But I got to retire at 45 with every malady in the medical manual.

@PondartIncbendog Sorry to hear that. I'm trying to figure out a change of careers. If I had a pension to look forward to I could stick it out another 5 years, but as it is, it's just a 401, and that's 10 years minimum. I doubt I could take that. I have PTSD right now from the stuff they put us through. (Not the prisoners, the bosses.)

@Paul4747 And PTSD often comes not from combat but from overwork and stress. I have been retired for 19 years and still have nightmares about running service calls. Its like I never retired sometimes.
I was in a depressive state for years. I hadn't had a night of good sleep since I retired. Now my heart is failing. Already had one open heart.

@Paul4747 I couldn't imagine having to go to that everyday. The guys on the floor need every bit of cooperation from the uppers. That leads to a transfer of stress to the "clients".

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