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I know it's corny but every time I see and hear the racist crap from trump, his supporters and our elected officials that will not call out horrible behavior, I hear this song in my head. I see a crowd of NON white folk singing this to these people really fucking loud.

silverotter11 9 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh please - what he says is nothing to what some say about him - bunch of hypocrites

gater Level 7 July 19, 2019

As the president of the United States his job his to represent ALL Americans and lead by example. So far I do not see that happening.

@silverotter11 I do - hes a great leader - not like that pussy/Iran loving Obama

@gater Could you be more specific?
For I don't call his acts "leadership". All he has been doing is "revenge work" on Obama. He certainly isn't working for this country.

@gater tRump lovers always speak in generalities.. (like a cultist). That's why I'm looking for specifics.


Buffy St. Marie
Persecuted & black listed for promoting & using her freedoms.


Yes..and with more pride and patriotism because of the struggles to keep our values alive for all...

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