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Buzz Aldrin, overhand right. I think it was "coward" that did it after watching a second time. "coward, liar, and the-eeeeiff." maybe no one deserves the reaction he got, but i'll personally give mr. Aldrin a pass.

this is not new, but i am going to see the apollo 11 rocket projected on the side of the washington monument and a friend sent the link. my guess is 'ol moon landing denier didn't think the older man possessed the footwork, balance and speed to get that right hand moving that quickly, powerfully and accurately toward his much larger frame/jaw. maybe he thought the bible would protect him? never underestimate this badass.

larsatrg 7 July 20

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Love it never piss off a old vet that is what happens low Asshole tolerance

bobwjr Level 10 July 20, 2019

I'll act as Aldrin's second and take over where left off.

t1nick Level 8 July 20, 2019

He probably told that asshole to take his bible and shove it up his ass in the process too . . . .

THHA Level 7 July 20, 2019
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