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I live in Philadelphia and it is about 62 zillion degrees today, so I am inside and looking for some fun reading.


How about letting me know phrases that you hear all the time and with just a tiny bit of thought, you realize make no sense.

Like, "I thought to myself."

Who else would you think to?

Mitch07102 8 July 20

Enjoy being online again!

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When I ask.for directions, and someone says its where X used to be.
I realize it makes sense. But I have asked if the building is still there and they say no. I don't know where things are now.
It my be a Rural NJ thing.


"Go back where you came from." Toledo, Ohio?
"There is not a racist bone in my body." but no...... (insert prejudged group here)..... need apply.
"They don't look like Americans to me." What does an "American look like? "Oh you know what I mean." No! I don't!
"This is America. Speak English." Oh such as Fon du Lac Wisconsin. Corpus Cristi Texas. Baton Rouge, La. Los Angeles, Ca. My favorite. Kow tow


Sorry, Mitch, I was just posting to the Wine Lovers group and my brain is still stuck on Mogen David. What is that stuff?

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