5 1

A bit cryptic.

A Gladiator is pursuing Wolverine and making his life miserable.

What movie am I watching?

BufftonBeotch 8 July 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Crowe was horribly miscast. I felt like he sleep-walked through the film and his singing voice was just not there.

Yes. He does not have the face or demeanor for evil.

Hugh Jackman nailed it though.

@BufftonBeotch Yes. Jackman has the musical theater background to handle the role, and he did a good job with it. I'm such a purist when it comes to film adaptations of stage musicals; Javert needs to be played by an actor with an imposing presence and a killer baritone, neither which Crowe had here.


Gone with the wind

A gladiator might have made that bearable.


New musical Les Miserables...

Yes. I still like it.


Ugh. That ruinous Les Miserables. And I loved the book. And found the musical, on stage, fantastic.

I'd watch Hugh Jackman sing the alphabet.

Russell Crowe is a bit torturous to watch but so is his character..

It rather fits that he seems completely out of place the entire film.

And yeah. The young leads completely blew it.

And I have also seen the stage production but the sound was lacking for a musical.


Wolverine origins

bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2019

2012 Les Miseables.

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