I can't help noticing the trouble the spellchecker has with certain words. Contractions bother it no end: doesn't, couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't, anything with the word "not" as a contraction on the end. And the word "spellchecker" itself comes up as an error. As does the name Obama, and several other well-known names.
Is there any way someone could be detailed to look into this? Or, another way to put it; couldn't someone look into this?
I love "spellcheck" because it counteracts those who claim robots will replace us by next Wednesday......
I find it a minor irritation, but just use the edit button to correct. Not a major factor, and sometimes it causes some hilarity!
I'm annoyed by the imputation that I'm spelling words wrong, when I know damn well I'm not.
@Paul4747 It happens to all of us...it always has. They don’t seem to be able to do anything about it...and it can be funny. I’m sure nobody doubts your ability to spell.
@Marionville The older I get, the more I do. And a computer throwing stones at me is not helpful.
Thanks for letting me know it's been addressed, apparently.