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Why white working class women are turning against Trump.

sassygirl3869 9 July 28

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About freakin' time!


I am just happy they do, but I cannot understand for the life of me why women would not feel solidarity with other women who say they have been sexually assaulted by Donald.

The money that many of these women enjoy with their rich hubby's is simply to attractive and they will crawl over the bodies of other women to keep it.

@Redheadedgammy Yes, that is so sad. Same thing about women who have affairs with married men. They think that he will leave his wife for her, don't they realise that if this man leaves his wife for you, somewhere down the track he will do the same to you with another woman.


I tell you why, without reading the link. They have pride in themselves and want to treated like people, not things. I bet Trump treats his wife like a thing.

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