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Respect to all you grandmas and grandpas babysitting or raising your grandchildren or great grandchildren.
During school vacation, I have a good time with Lia, my 10 year old granddaughter ,but today we also had Dream, the 1 year old great-granddaughter, together with two very nervous chihuahuas. It was a sight to be seen.
I am now exhausted and will drink my supper.

Spinliesel 9 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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The child's name is Dream?

Yes. I am confused,too.
Mom and Dad watch too much kardashians.

@Spinliesel Will probably have to suffer in school, pre school and high school for that name.


Through 99.9 per cent of human history, grandparents took the greater role in raising children. So much so that some people think that humans evolved their long life expectancy, compared to other vertebrates of similar size, mainly for that purpose. It is therefore the most natural thing we do. Sorry answer to jerk further down, but did not want to give him a subpost.


There is no other option!


Btw, y'all feel free to block that judgmental dickhead.
I just did.

@NoPlanetB I told him to piss off the other day.

Funny how all the most offensive assholes are also Trumpers.


School starts back on Monday.


Always enjoy the grandchildren visiting us, even when things get hectic.


Yes, I am Raising my 4.5 yr old granddaughter and it is exhausting.


I'm headed out to have dinner with the kids and grands. I'm really glad the kids are taking care of those babies, I wouldn't be able to do full time care anymore. I like babysitting once in a while.

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