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If I hear “the power of prayer” ONE.MORE.DAMN.TIME.

sandrarocks83 7 Aug 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh gawd! What’s one of those? 😱


Prayer has no power. It does not change anything. If you believe in prayer it might change you but not anything else.


Always spell it: "prEyer" in front of their faces adding : " ALWAYS GETS zero answers "


I apologize looking down the comments and then finding out about the shooting. I understand now!

gearl Level 8 Aug 4, 2019 you know! Being familiar with the border here, I know how people cross into the States on Saturdays/Sundays to buy groceries/clothes, etc, at WalMart, Sam's, Costco, etc. My first thought when hearing about this massacre was being afraid the bastard had lined up people based on skin color and executed them!


I guess I listen to different shows or different people than you. I haven't heard that in a long time. 🙂

gearl Level 8 Aug 4, 2019

I know! I was yelling at the television when the Texas press conference was happening and all three of the speakers talked about ''thoughts/prayers." GAHHHHHH! It's as much of a cliche as ''god bless you'' when someone sneezes....just a mindless phrase which makes THEM feel good but doesn't help a bit for the bereaved!


I know! I guess a lot of people are.praying for the El Paso victims right now! Where was God when that happened?

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