Attention any white supremacists: if you belong to a klan or group where one of your members commits a murder you too will lose everything you own. Think about that. Pass it on.
We’ve an administration so focused on enforcing laws against potentially dangerous illegal immigrants they’ve ignored our home grown terrorists.. Obviously, our home-growners get that.
With the Republican Party and it’s bolstered Supreme Court, along with said Presidential Administration ignoring our internal threat, it’s like they’re all holding hands. ‘Give us your vote,’ ‘and we’ll focus our attention elsewhere’ appears to be the Republican’s New Deal...
In my earlier days I had shady friends. Today I have few friends at all and have parted ways with a man I have known over 50 years just because of the outright nonsense going on today. America is a melting pot and not a place for white supremacists. If you cannot see that the crayon box has all colors you do not belong here.