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The Top Democrat Candidate Ranking in August 2019


The bottom 5 and the other 16 (not mentioned) candidates can go home now and stop wasting voters time, allow more time to other good strong candidates to speak in debates and take and waste donors' money.

Bernie was #1 in the beginning and is sliding ever since... LOL

St-Sinner 9 Aug 8

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Not sure who put Biden over Bernie, but shame on them!


Not sure if trump will stick with crazy joe or sleepy creepy joe as his assault on biden - who looks like a winner - at least from this lot


None of them are worth a crap as they are very radical and left wing and Trump will beat whoever wins.

@Athena The Democrat’s seem to be the sore losers and the whiners.

@Athena Most of the smart educated people I know voted for Trump. Only a brain dead idiot would vote for the democrats.

We democrats certainly do not have a "Knight in a Shining Armor". We only have "Also Ran Horses". We were jumping up and down with joy and super excitement with our faulty candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016. What happened next is now history that we do not want to talk about. We democrats do not like bitter pills. We only like sweet medicines..

Bashing Trump is easy. This is called the longest economic expansion the American history and you seem to dismiss all of that. No other president - no other has been able to preside over a strong economy it is today. I admit that Trump is shocking, he is unconventional, he pisses people off, he is not politically correct but remember, people chose him because Washington was not working. It was grid lock, lame duck presidencies, political infighting controlled by lobbyists etc. The voters wanted to burn the house down as the presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg pointed out. When there is a shock to the system, people and the system get very uncomfortable. He is that shock.

@Athena what point are you referring to exactly. The point that you liberal atheist seem to have replaced your lack of religion for a nanny state government? Yes I agree.

@Athena Seeing as your from Canada why are you so worried about US politics? Why don’t you concentrate on getting rid of that liberal idiot Trudeau?

@Athena The Democrat are the ones who generally do that. Trump hasn’t started any wars. In fact he’ll likely withdraw US troops from Afghanistan.

@Athena Name 1 illegal war Trump has started. Your the one who has their facts wrong. Hell most liberals hate facts as they just don’t fit their radical agenda.


Joe is not the best candidate. I can't help but like him. But not my preference.

Not a single of them running is the best candidate who can beat Trump. People are passionate about their political preferences and opposite facts are hard to accept but we have to be pragmatic and not dreamers.

I like Elizabeth Warren but she will not be elected in the primaries or general. I liked Buttigieg but his gay demographics counts him out from Day 1. I don't know what numbers he has calculated. It is possible that his game plan is not presidency for now.

@St-Sinner I would say he is testing the waters for a future run. Not a Bernie fan either. We need someone younger.

@GreatNani I like Bernie's message but he is unelectable for these reasons. His fans don't like it but that is the reality:

  1. He is 77 years old
  2. He looks hunch back
  3. His ideas are pie in the sky
  4. Taxing the rich to fund his dream will not sell
  5. We know electing a president we want cannot get most things done. We need the Senate and House.Even if we do that many Democrats still balk at voting
  6. It is likely Bernie will die in office if elected
  7. He is Jewish. Our nation is not ready to elect a Jew, Mormon, Gay, Atheist president. A woman is likely only if very very good and black is not likely again
  8. Bernie started at #1 but he is hovering around #4. The slide has begun.....

@St-Sinner I think Jewish can happen. But everything else is spot on.

@GreatNani The American South is less fair than you think. I live in Texas where they still think the Jewish will come and take their lands and guns.

@St-Sinner I think a combination of two of the top five for POTUS and VP would be a winning ticket. I'm not saying which two yet. I like them all, although from a likability standpoint, a couple of them fall short. I guess we'll see.

@St-Sinner More likely than Trump? I mean, he's in his 70's too and considering his anger issues, I'm surprised he hasn't dropped from a heart attack yet. I can see the DNC pushing Biden because he's probably the most moderate of the bunch (though maybe I'm wrong?). I'm just waiting to see when the young ones will get sick of us old people's crap and turn this country inside out. My daughter will be old enough to vote in the presidential elections in 2024. These will be kids who have pretty much had to deal with lockdowns and shooter drills since Kindergarten. Going to be interesting to see how they shape things and then maybe enough of these rich old white men will be dead. Nothing necessarily against them (unless they're screwing with the economy) but there's too many of them and it's not a true reflection of the people who make up this country.

@St-Sinner he is precisely 2 years older than drumpy, in far better physical and mental condition, and is the Originator of al the progressive ideas being used by every Dem candidate! (Go to YouTube & see for yourself, Bernie speeches going back 3 decades!) Why pick plagiarists/imitators?

@AnneWimsey Being intrinsically good is not enough in U.S. Presidential elections. We don't elect issues, we elect a person. It has always been like that. Personality matters.

@St-Sinner so you are saying you dislike Bernie's personality? IMO Biden completely lacks Any "personality"......

@AnneWimsey It is not about what I like or dislike. Voters will base their votes on his personality. I have already said in multiple places that Biden looks slow, frail and mumbling now in debates struggling to find words. But his fans don't like it. When you have a fever of one hero, you don't like anyone pointing out the weaknesses. The same things happened about Hillary. She was out Joan of Arc until she lost it all.

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