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Now, after watching this documentary, I understand how Trump pulled it off. He hired Bannon, who acquired Facebook's information about us, then hired Cambridge Analytics to find people who could be swayed, them bombarded them with focused propaganda. It wasn't exactly illegal. And it could be done again.

mischl 8 Aug 8

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Don't go to a gun fight with a knife. Don't go on an electoral campaign with phone post boards when your opponents have hackers.

So true. Since Mark Zuckerberg has cut off the potential flow of information about FB customers, the next big Hack will have to come up with a new source. And since Cambridge Analytics bankrupted and shrewdly shredded everything, the next would-be dictator (or the same one we have already) will have to find another group of evil geniuses to plan the assault.

@StarvingArtist Oh, and a half dozen other countries. The list of Cambridge Analytics victims is in the video.

We have some federal elections in Canada this fall. Watch the swindle fly around and hackers and trolls do their worst!

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