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Sinus Problems and a GREAT Flick -

I've been on PTO (vacation) this week. Last week, I saw two weekends off coming just before we enter the fall maintenance shutdown season, so I requested 5 PTO days right between them for a slick 9 days off.

I had 5 sinus procedures done in summer 2016 and I still have a fairly deep groove up there, where my deviated and somewhat extended left septum used to curl leftward into my central tissues. I can feel it quite specifically when congestion has made it into a stagnant area again. Before and after bed rinses, with gyrations and my special recipe, can keep it clear, but I'm not always as dedicated as I ought to be.

I spent most of my off time just enjoying a quieter time and making adjustments to improve my sinus relationship. It affects everything you know - energy level, cognition, mood, and motivation. It's certainly not anything to sneeze at.

I had watched so many sappy movies at home this week that when I decided to go out for one, I chose the latest Quentin Tarantino movie because I just KNEW his would NOT make me cry. I was wrong. Great movie though, just special, this one (his 9th). The man has some lovely depth to him. Thanks for sharing, Quentin!

Have you seen Once Upon A Time in Hollywood yet?

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CuriosityExtant 7 Aug 17

Enjoy being online again!

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On my list

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 18, 2019

Going to . Definitely .


On my agenda for sure


I haven't seen it, haven't even heard of it... I don't watch commercial TV so I generally have no idea what's going on out there! But I will check it out. Looks pretty good!

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