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Seems the politicians that are scientists
are being targeted-for being scientists. I guess
reality and the truth are commodities to be
hidden or muzzled.

BBJong 7 Aug 18

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According to this article there are 11 scientists elected to Congress.


3 are Republican. Last paragraph:

[None of the Republicans on this list received support from 314 Action, but Naughton said that's not because the PAC is fundamentally Democratic.

"I would love to see the Republican scientist that could win their primary on a pro-science agenda. Bring me the unicorn," she said. " It's a shame, and it's not a statement about science, it's a statement about what the Republican Party has come to tolerate within their ranks, and even on their platform."]


Yeah they are scared by intelligence

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 18, 2019

Then the retards think that they can compete with Russia and China . . . .

Haaa¤¤¤¤,we have more people imprisioned
then China,,,might be a nice re-education platform.

So calling a pig a pig is an insult to the pig? Calling a clown a clown is an insult to the clown? I do not listen the the media's lies. The only insult is to those who target science . . . which is more than obvious by the context. Don't push your luck.


Huh. Who specifically? So sad, the lack of appreciation for science in our country.

I heard on Public Radio : poll of americans "do you believe more in science?" -its on the increase !!!
We just have extreame difficulty useing it to
address OUR problems.

@BBJong very disturbing. Ignorance is a blow to democracy!

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