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Mansplaining, what does it mean to you?

I often see men get accused of mansplaining when I have not seen them as being mansplanations; and I have had a man apologize to me for it, even though I did not take it that way at all.

As I understand, mansplaining is when a man assumes a woman doesn't understand something because she is a woman and offers an explanation in a snide or condescending way. It is not mansplaining if he simply tries to explain, or clarify, something he thinks a person may have misunderstood just because the person he is responding to happens to be a woman. He might be incorrect in his assessment, but that still is not mansplaining—in my opinion, anyway.

Joanne 7 Aug 18

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Mansplaining to me is when a man tries to interpret what I said as if I either hadn’t said it or wasn’t understood thus co-opting my ideas as his own. Men get away with this less often as others will say, “ yeah, that’s what she just said.”


Men and women have both mansplained to me. There are just personality types that "splain." I think people, in general, have to stop picking sides. I have this weird habit of treating people individually, independent of what sex they are.


Ive seen it happen in front of me (on fb and in person) so i know 100% believe its a real thing..
But i agree with your post.
There is a large grey area.. i "mansplain" a lot.. but its because i have an engineers brain, and i do it equally to men and women.. but i have caught myself assuming things because they are female but i do try and rephrain from it (because my assumptions have turned out to be wrong to many times)..
... actual equality still has a learning curve i think, nothing wrong with attempting to be better at it.. (imo)


Well, to put it in perspective, reverse it. Womansplaining . . . . I think it is a stupid term either way, because it is automatically biased against whoever it is applied to, and generalizes about them . . . . we each have our own views, it is narrow-minded to generalize about men or women and their thoughts.


It's a clever turn of phrase that I really liked initially, I use it in the limited literal sense. A man being patronizing because he considers women intellectually inferior. I've seen patronizing women too in the same sense, many times I've heard, "my husband is just another of my children" and that men are only capable of thinking about one thing at a time.

I got Xsplained... I was repairing a fence that had fallen over, the diagnosis was pretty straightforward it had been built on fill and it's weight had collapsed the weak soil. I decided to set the posts in cracked rock, it would tie to the soil and make it stronger right away and as years passed roots would grow through it and consolidate the bank. This took a little thought, the neighbor who shared the fence watched until she couldn't take any more and decided I needed a little motivational speech, I spent way to much looking at the fence, fussing with strings and levels and not nearly enough time hammering and digging and "sure was lazy". Hands on hips she demanded to know what was so "hard about putting a post in the ground and pouring some 'see-mint"
A. Smile and nod vacantly and be grateful I'll never see her again.
B. Ask her, " Why didn't I think of doing it the one way I already know didn't work?"
C. Do it her way and let her figure out how to get her car over the horizontal fence in her drive.


Example: I recently got mansplained on how my vagina works. Not how THE vagina SHOULD work, which is bad enough, but I understand that a doctor might say it.
No, how MY vagina works.
I had commented that I did not like big D( longer than 7&rdquo😉 because it was painful to me. I was talking to a person I knew on the thread, which was about sex.
A man stepped in to tell me it was impossible for a D to be too large; my vagina was built to stretch so unless the D was bigger than a baby I wouldn’t have pain.
No, this really happened.
All the folks who knew me jumped in on him, but he kept insisting he was right. He discounted my personal expression of experience(big D’s hurt) to mansplain why big D’s do not hurt, silly woman.

Oh jeez!


Who wants to assume people think with testicles OR ovaries ? Womansplaining ? Never heard either in my life. Sexism is sexism. Ageism also. I am ignorant about many things young people know and I will beg anyone to explain something to me important to the 2 of us. Catsplaining. I beg my cats to explain to me their messages all the time.


I'm a man, a teacher. I explain stuff all day long.


When a man explains something to a woman that he would not explain to a man possessing the same base of knowledge or experience because he would quietly assume that the man knows it already.

This is definitely a real thing that women have been putting up with since time immemorial. However, it would be nice if there were also a comparable ungendered word for unnecessarily explaining something without gender having figured into it, like "unnecexplained."

Because if I "unnecexplained" something to a man - as I sometimes do, as everyone does - simply bc I misconstrued his knowledge or source of confusion, he might be annoyed but it's just a misunderstanding and has nothing to do w his being a man. But in identical circumstances, if I "unnecexplained" something to a woman due to such a misconstrual, it is now allegedly gender-motivated "mansplaining."

For those of us w helpful yet sometimes too thorough explaining temperaments - many of us are professional educators in some way - it is a bit painful when that happens. Nothing to be done but apologize for the "unnecexplanation" that was mistaken for a "mansplanation."

I’m bad to do that. I’m pedantic: if I feel a detail or definition is wrong, I have a strong compulsion to correct it. At times I do it automatically and then have to apologize! I overexplain, too. Folks who know me just go:🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼STAAAAAP!

@CarolinaGirl60 Now imagine your male twin who gets told he's mansplaining when he's just being your twin. I keep myself in check but it still happens occasionally.

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